Sunday, March 15, 2009

Well hello there...

It's been a while, I know. What can I say? Having a small baby keeps you BUSY BUSY BUSY! I totally underestimated the amount of "free" time that I would have once I went back to work. I'm actually mad at myself, because when I had decided to start this blog, I was so excited about it and planned on updating every day or at least every other day. Well yeah, we see how that turned But, I am determined to start updating this blog alot more. I really do enjoy getting all of my thoughts out and most importantly, writing about my sweet little boy. So here we go.....

Well to begin with, Colby is now 4 months old. How in the heck did that happen? It seems like just yesterday I was bringing home a newborn. Colby has his 4 month well appt this Thursday and we can't wait to see how much he weighs. Denis and I are guessing that hes tipping the scale at around 20 Seriously! Our kid is BIG! He's going to be tall too, even though I have no idea why. Denis is about 5"11 and I'm 5"6. I will be sure to post his results!

Colby continues to melt my heart everyday. He is smiling and laughing and "talking" now. He has been rolling over on his own for a while now as well. We think he is going to be an early crawler. Dear God, help me! I am not at all prepared to have a mobile kid.

I wish I could say that my kiddo was sleeping through the night, but I would be lying. He HAS slept through the night several times, but he's not really consistent with his sleep schedule. We will have 2-3 REALLY good nights and then all hell breaks loose. I guess you could say that I have gotten used to it though and my body has totally adjusted. I never in a million years thought I could get 5 hours of sleep and be able to function like a normal Everyone promises me that it WILL get better and I keep waiting for that moment. I have other mom friends who have small babies and some of them are sleeping 8pm-7am. ......consistently. I wouldn't even know how to

On a much more positive note, Colby is at such a fun stage right now. I love playing with him and watching him learn new things. Everyday there seems to be something new for him to experience.

Well this is gonna be a little short, because its bedtime..but I'll be back soon!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Yah! My first big girl blog, I am so excited! I'm not even sure where to begin to be honest. This blog will be solely dedicated to my sweet little boy, Colby Parker. I want to document all of his "firsts" and actually have something to look back on when he's alot older. The fact is he will not remain my sweet little baby forever and I want to have all the memories of him that I can.

First things first, I guess. I wont go into detail about his birth, because I've already done that on my myspace blog, but basically it breaks down into this. Colby=stubborn, 8 days late, c-section, born on 11/18/08, 9lbs 12 oz's, 22 inches long....BIG BOY! If you want to know any specifics just ask.

There are so many words to describe life with a newborn. Another reason I started this blog, is because I wanted to be completely honest with everyone who reads this (if anyone reads it) (Thanks Tiff! rock!) and I wanted to share the good, the bad and the ugly. Because the truth is life with a newborn is not all unicorns and puppydogs. I've said this before and Ill say it again. The love that you have for your child will far surpass any of the negative things that you will experience, however there will some days that you will want to tear your hair out strand by strand. Trust me, I've had these days. So for the most part Colby started off and still will sleep ALOT, however, its not really at night. There is alot of truth to the following statement "Newborns will get their days and nights mixed up". Everyone that I tell this to, responds exactly the same way. "Well just keep him up during the day". And I always respond to them the same way. "How in the hell do you keep a newborn awake?". If they want to sleep, they WILL sleep and if you dont let them, they will scream until you are like whatever, please go to sleep. Colby is almost 7 weeks old and I will say he is getting better. I dont know if its a fluke and Im so scared to get my hopes up, but for the past 3 nights, he's sleeping in about 3-3 1/2 intervals. Before it was every 2 hours on the dot, that he would wake up. We've also had a few nights where hes been up every HOUR. Yeah, remember what I said about pulling out your hair strand by strand? I have to admit when I hear about other babies that are Colby's age sleeping through the night, I am beyond jealous. I guess another thing that bothers me is that I am nursing him and all this research shows that breastmilk is digested alot faster than formula, so obviously breastfed babies are going to get hungrier alot quicker. So I feel like Im trying to do whats right for my child, but yet I get the short end of the stick, you know what I mean? So If I selfishly just quit breastfeeding and start formula, then he will sleep through the night? I am in no way saying that theres anything wrong with formula fed babies. I have a ton of friends who were just unable to breastfeed for whatever reason and I think it is the mom's perogative 100%. From the beginning of my pregnancy, I was passionate about wanting to breastfeed and I am thankful that I was able to do so. So yeah, theres my little spill about that....

I wanted to list a few things that I have learned about Colby thusfar.

1. He is an oven! I swear, this explains why I was so dang hot while I was pregnant. OMG! Im not even kidding, we have to be careful what clothes we put on him, because Im scared he will have a heatstroke. He sweats soo bad..

2. He is his mothers child. The boy HATES HATES socks! We haven't tried to put shoes on him yet, but something tells me, that he will equally hate shoes.

3. He hates the little sleepers with the feet. He ends up a tangled mess within and hour..He likes to be

4.He has a temper like you wouldn't believe. When hes mad, he is MAD!

5. Loves Baths and loves to have the water sprayed on him with the handheld shower head.

6. Loves his carseat, swing and bouncer and will normally fall asleep in all of them.

7. Snores so loudly, we transitioned him into his crib at 4 weeks old and he had no problem.

I will say that Colby is a wonderful baby and I know that I can't have it easy all the time. When you are a first time mom, you are paranoid about EVERYTHING! He was born right smack in the middle of flu/rsv season so of course I didnt want to take him out. Everyone called me "paranoid". Hell yes, I am paranoid. He is my baby, I am his mother and I will do whatever it takes to keep him away from germs, especially now that hes so young and his immune system isn't fully developed. So yes, I am Paranoid and I dont care what people say.

Now having said I will admit that we JUST started taking Colby out with us to places. Hes been with me when we celebrated Nicholes Birthday, he's been to mommy's favorite store, and hes been out to the mall a few times. Now that hes almost 2 months old, I feel a little bit better about taking him out. One thing I did want to warn future mommies about, that I didn't really think about prior to having Colby. The carseats and strollers are HEAVY!! Practice, Practice, Practice. I dont care if you just carry the carseats around the house or practice putting the strollers in and out of your car, but get in some practice before the baby comes. Also practice strapping in a stuffed animal about the size of a newborn into the carseat. Denis and I did this and it really helped. You just dont I took Colby out for the first time last week with it just being me and lifting a 20 lb carseat and Colby who is probably around 14 lbs or so into the back of your suv is hard. I was struggling but it is getting a little easier. Now the carseat we have can be used up to 30lbs I believe. Can you imagine me trying to hoist a carseat with a 30lb Colby in it into my car? I shudder at the The stroller that we have is heavy too, but I love it and wouldn't trade it. So there is my advice for the day! Practice people!

I could go on and on and on, but Ill stop for now, but Ill be back soon!

